Friday, November 5, 2010

How to save vertical blinds from kids

In finding a quick and easy way to fix those venetion blinds at my back door that seem to fall right off at the mere glance from my sweet children....

What you need? - A toothpick and clear packing tape

What is the fix?

Well the reason your blind fell off is one little piece of plastic holds another and neither of these pieces can hold the weight of a 4 year old monkey as well as a real vine might. Most of the time the plastic on the blind itself breaks right off.

Simply tape the toothpick at the very top of the blind where the old plastic came off to replace the plastic 'hook' that use to be there. Then poke a hole in the tape where the clear opening is. The blind will go in the same way it used to.

Yep, it doesn't have to be pretty to be functional. Remember, it is up high in an area that people don't look to see. If by the off chance they do see your handy work, that is exactly what they will be thinking.... "my what handy work"!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun At The Doctor

We just came from the doctor's office and I didn't leave frazzled from all of the waiting with three little ones, four years old and under.

A few items that worked for restraint/entertainment are treats, crayons and magnets.

Treats are always a hit and really a no brainer for any mom, but I have to share that we find ways to eat our treats so they last longer. Separating fruit snacks into color patterns or making funny sounds with them as our lips smack from their gooiness. Feel free to make up your own games with them. I have also found they are great bribes (or call it motivation) for guiding them to make good choices while waiting.

Crayons you may have heard of before as well. Forgetting them once, the nurse overheard me saying so and brought them in. She mentioned that she only shares them on request from parents. I am sure the nurses have even taken some of my kids creations from the exam table paper for their own home refrigerators... and rightly so! :P

Now my recent hit has been the best. Magnets. Never before did I realize how much metal is in a Doctor's office! We find all of the different places they can stick. We only bring in one magnet per child so as to not give too many options or leave any behind. The children are eager to find a new sticking spot for their own magnets especially when boisterous encouragement is my response.

Lesson Learned: Setting up engaging activities ahead of time for the kids allows for more fun, less discipline, and a happy Mama.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heathly Lunches - Peanut Butter and What?

While at a play date the other day, handing my kids their standard lunches of peanut butter and jelly, I saw a friend take out some whole wheat bread, organic peanut butter and honey. She made some sandwiches right there for her kids. How about that. Honey. I have heard that the dyes and astronomical amount of sugars in jams and jellies were terrible for our children, but never did I think there was an alternative. After finding this one, I am sharing it. This seems to be the new standard now (my children didn't even ask about the switch, and I didn't offer to tell them). I am open for more new additions to their luncheon diets, so please do share!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


How do you get your kids to eat plain yogurt, or plain oatmeal?
And the answer is......... SPRINKLES!
Who knew!?
My mouth-watering vision for the creation of sprinkles has me with a smile holding either a donut, ice cream or cake with sprinkles on top, and there's a special occasion. After all, that was the purpose of their creation, right? I thank God for my connections to impressive moms with creative approaches to moving towards healthy eating for family.
Now every day can be a special occasion!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Seasoning Vegetables

Results from an annual medical exam came back with a great increase in cholesterol numbers.

Now introducing.... How to "process" making Heart Healthy Meal Choices.

With the needed change, I called two of my trusted Health Nut Friends that I had not wanted to take very seriously in the past regarding food until now.. and said "where do I begin". What stuck out from the first conversation was... No Meat, No Dairy, and No processed Sugar.

Almost everything I have made usually had instructions right there on the box. As you may imagine, I was lost. If you would be too, you don't have to admit it. You can simply benefit from my lack of knowledge.

Lesson 1 Seasoning vegetables
A little salt & pepper and some lemon zest (grated lemon peel) goes a long way.
My Health Nut Friend asked me how I prepare my vegetables, and my response was; 1. Go to pantry 2. Get can of Veg 3. Open can ... She let me know kindly yet firmly that canned was not a future option. Ah Boy, so she was kind enough to share this simple seasoning with me.

First Recipe from what I had in the house!
Wheat Spaghetti Noodles
Frozen Broccoli
Baby Carrots
Lemon Zest
salt & pepper

Prepare Noodles from directions on box.
Steam Broccoli for 5 min
Cut and steam baby carrots 5 min
Put Noodles on plate, add broccoli and carrots to center, top with a dash of salt & pepper and lemon zest. Whala! He loved it and so did I. Who knew?!

Special note, we will be doing chicken, turkey and seafood as I have much to learn before we take that huge step to no meat if that is a step we choose to take. We are simply taking the biggest step possible for now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcoming Out Of Town Visitors

There are so many ways to welcome out of town visitors, and some of our most memorable moments come from Grandparents and bystanders when they see they easy to make signs. Our toddlers hold them up running eagerly while looking for Grandpa and Grandma in the airport with anticipating smiles and twinkly eyes.

We simply tape kid decorated poster board to yard sticks or whatever kind of sticks we have and send the kids a runnin'. They are especially proud of their signs because they made them "all by themselves". Grandma and Grandpa can find us easily not only by seeing the signs in the air, but by hearing all of the "oooh... that is so darling" and "I hope that kid doesn't hurt himself with that sign" comments.

Grandma scoops up the children at first sight and discusses all of the effort each child has put in to their sign. This is great for pictures and videos... especially when the sign is bigger than the child. :)

The most exciting sign we've made was to announce the birth of our 3rd child. Our eldest child held up a sign that said "All five of us are so happy you are here!" As always, Grandpa got it first and showed it with his proud grin, then had to bring Grandma's attention away from the growing children and all of their artistic efforts to have her read the sign.

We are so Blessed to have such grateful and appreciative Grandparents. Hopefully, you and your out of town guests will enjoy the signs as much as we do!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Potty Training - Step 3

This post has taken a while to compose as I wanted to put in some observations as well as sharing our own personal process.

As we left off in Potty Training - Step 2, we decided it was time to go through the night without diapers. (still being in a crib, with small crib sheets versus bed sheets)

Side Note....My greatest challenges and accomplishments with my children are once I start something, I do what it takes to not go back. This way they are not confused, and the expectation is clear.

After trying to go through the night without diapers, the challenges were many. She started by doing a great job. Every other night for about a week, she would have an accident. Then it seemed to go to every two nights for two weeks. I thought.. yeah, we are on our way. Then she decided to give me a great battle. It seemed she was putting up her last big battle. She would pee in her bed 3 nights in a row with 1 night off and then another 3 nights in a row one night off 3 nights in a row..... and then.... she stopped.

Yep. She just stopped. Just as I was on the verge of breaking. I was considering putting her back in pull ups, I was considering going against my very own convictions... and in holding steadfast... boom. Only through God's grace could I have persevered, but in sticking with it, it worked.

Personal Lesson highlights

Pee Pee last thing before bed each night. (even if we have to talk to her dolls about how great she is at going pee pee for 10 minutes)

We have standard expected times to go to pee pee or try before doing things. (add extra time to get places if "stand off" time is needed just for her to simply sit on the potty for a moment)
Wake up, before we leave, before lunch, after nap, before dinner, before bed.

I allow her to tell me she has to pee if it is outside of these expected pee times, knowing that she may very well have an accident.

Treats are always motivating, but may not always be necessary. Creativity is!

DON'T GO BACK - stay strong

She still has day time accidents but I have noticed it is when I am not on my game and night time accidents when I am not diligent in getting her to go before bed. I would absolutely do it again the same way.

Difference between girls and boys. (from my experience)
Our son was potty trained on his second birthday. It was the right time for him, and due to his temperament, he was done even sooner than she was. We made the expectations clear, and he got it... within a WEEK!
Our daughter being the second and a girl, we thought it would be easier. We started her at 19months. It took about two months for her to really "get it". Perhaps it was her temperament or perhaps the few months were very important and perhaps it was that she was the second born....? Either way, she now has it and she is not yet 2.

2 Year Window Sell
In my experience, and from what I have read, there is a critical 2 year window. Just before or just after 2 years is a great time to work with them as they are interested. Very interested in their own accomplishments. After, they are developing so many other toddler tricks and before they just don't quite understand the concept.