Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heathly Lunches - Peanut Butter and What?

While at a play date the other day, handing my kids their standard lunches of peanut butter and jelly, I saw a friend take out some whole wheat bread, organic peanut butter and honey. She made some sandwiches right there for her kids. How about that. Honey. I have heard that the dyes and astronomical amount of sugars in jams and jellies were terrible for our children, but never did I think there was an alternative. After finding this one, I am sharing it. This seems to be the new standard now (my children didn't even ask about the switch, and I didn't offer to tell them). I am open for more new additions to their luncheon diets, so please do share!


Unknown said...

We do organic PB & honey on whole wheat frozen waffles for breakfast instead of syrup. To make it less messy, I make Connor a waffle sandwich by cutting the waffle in half and sandwiching the filling...otherwise PB and honey for breakfast can be a sticky mess. For lunch, I buy the organic PB and organic strawberry fruit spread at Costco (on wheat bread). Both are healthful options at a great price. The waffles are available at Costco, as well. They also have "Naked Nuggets", which are great (nuggets without all the fillers and breading). Sometimes heat and dice up the Naked Nuggets and put them on a salad for myself, for lunch. Amazingly, Costco does have a lot of organic products that taste great and don't have all the junk in them.

Jessica said...

I've never liked Pb&J and I'm proud to say that I converted Kevin to the Pb&H (honey) before I agreed to marry him too! I'm just saying it might help Mr. Orderly Home take the plunge to know that Kevin is in too...

Another good idea is peanut butter and bananas, which is also a lot healthier than jelly or even honey.

Kelly Zuk said...

Excellent feedback ladies. Thank you for taking the time. I am off to Costco!...ooh, and I think they sell bananas too!

Gordon said...

This may not be appealing to some but I love peanut butter and bread and butter pickles.